Last night my sister in law had her baby. We explained to the kids that the baby came earlier than she was supposed to and wasn't quite big enough. We asked Brooklyn to make sure she said a prayer for mom and baby. This is what was included in her prayer:
Bless we have a good night
bless baby li'jah has a good night
bless laura she has a good night
bless baby she has a good night
bless baby and laura they come home safe when they come home
bless baby li'jah will be a good brother
bless the baby she'll be a good sister
bless baby li'jah and baby will be friends....
So so cute! Today... we've been watching Elijah so his mom and dad could be together at the hospital with the new addition. Brooklyn has been little miss mom. She's given him snacks, made sure he didn't go up and down stairs, hugs him when he falls. And every time he does a silly little cute thing, she runs over to me and says, "baby lii'jah did this mom. Isn't he cute!"
I guess she'll be a great mom. With her "boyfriend" Dan from Virginia if she gets a chance!
Marnie is 5 months
9 years ago