Monday, September 21, 2009

What really happens in the Boys bathroom

Today I got a call from Tanner's school from the Vice Principal. Of course when I saw "HL Elementary" I was worried. He told me nothing was wrong and tanner hadn't done anything bad, but there had been an "incident". Bracing myself for the worst, I listened.
You'll never believe what he told me. "Tanner and his friend were in the bathroom at the Urinals and I guess his friend decided it would be funny to PEE on him. He's shirt and shorts are all wet and he needs a change of clothes. Do you think you could stop by the school with some?"
OH MY HECK!!! What is wrong with kids! Who would do that! Not only that, but who would not have taught their children that this would absolutely not ever be ok to do? I understand boys are boys, but there must be line some where that's drawn. Tanner said he wasn't mad at his friend, but it did make him feel sad.
These are the days that make you want to keep your babies safe at home in your arms where no one can be mean! I guess we all have to learn it the hard way!


Lora said...

:( NASTY!!! I'm with you on the bomb-shelter type of idea. :)

Julie said...

sad. :(

but more disgusting and another reason why boys are weird.

Mary said...

Augh! That is so gross!!! Tanner, you are such a trooper. Sorry it made you so sad, buddy. I miss you guys!