Friday, April 3, 2009

from Start Student to Principal's Award

Every day when I pick up Tanner from school I ask him, "what did you do today in class?". Once a month he tells me "they had the start student award. But I didn't getting... AGAIN!!. I do everything I'm supposed to and I never win. I'm super nice to everyone in class, I do good at my work, and I'm always a good helper. I don't think the principal even knows I'm there."
This month was Tanner's lucky month though. On Thursday May 2nd, Tanner went to the Start student award assembly as usual. All the kids from Kindergarten through 2nd grade meet in the gym. Two students from each class get a "Star Student Award" and then 1 student get the "Principal's Award". His teacher had called us ahead of team so we were able to be there to watch. Tanner was so excited when they called his name. He couldn't believe that he'd won not only the great Honor of being a Start Student, but for the extra special surprise of getting the "Principals Choice Award". He got a star pencil, and a Pin that says "Principal award". He also got a certificate for Wingers for a free kids meal, and 1 free kids meal to Applebee's. He's so excited about both! (Although that does mean we now have to buy dinner for everyone else in the family in order for him to use and enjoy his award. I love the way corporate America works.)
His Teacher Mrs. Hargrove and Principal Ichiman said he was given the award because, "Tanner is a dependable and hard working student." We are so proud of Tanner and how hard he works to be a good student and an even better friend and example. We love you so much Tanner and are so proud of you!


Mary said...

Yay, Tanner! You're the awesomest!